Cricothyrotomy Procedure - Formative.V1
Formative performance assessment for a Cricothyrotomy Procedure.
This instrument includes our most comprehensive formative assessment process. All items collectively capture performance of procedure specific abilities. Assessments items are scored with a variety of scales, depending on the tasks and decision making attributes associated with the procedure. Scale indicators include: Verbal Instructions/Demonstrated, Verbal Prompts/Errors, Independent/Errors, Independent/No Errors, Independent/Efficient/No Errors, N/A.
The instrument also includes a weighted scale for measuring the case difficulty level.
This instrument includes our most comprehensive formative assessment process. All items collectively capture performance of procedure specific abilities. Assessments items are scored with a variety of scales, depending on the tasks and decision making attributes associated with the procedure. Scale indicators include: Verbal Instructions/Demonstrated, Verbal Prompts/Errors, Independent/Errors, Independent/No Errors, Independent/Efficient/No Errors, N/A.
The instrument also includes a weighted scale for measuring the case difficulty level.