CareAssess™ Libraries

  Assessment Instruments

CareAssess™ provides access to the Metrics Medicus library of validated performance assessment instruments. Assessment instruments target performance requirements for numerous specialties including nursing, medicine, surgery, and multiple other health professions. CareAssess™ also allows you to create your own custom assessment instruments for specific needs!

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          Library Features

          Multiple Clinical Disciplines

          Shop our  library of
          assessment instruments   that are available for numerous specialty and sub-specialty practice domains including medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, nursing, pediatric, and many more.

          Multiple Measurement Formats

          The library of validated assessment instruments encompasses a broad selection of scales with varying precision (Rating, Categorical, Data Entry, etc.) that capture a wide spectrum of data (Rank order, Text, Numeric, Categorical, etc.).

          Attach Media Documentation

          Documentation may be attached to customized assessment item using the mobile device’s media capture resources so that a photo, video, or audio clip may be added to provide additional performance information (e.g. a perfectly sutured laceration or an ultrasound video clip).

          Real-time Scoring Visualization

          Assessments are easily accessed within the App. Each item and associated score is clearly viewable in the intuitive interface. 

          Drafting & Editing Support 

          Active assessments may be completed in the moment or saved as a draft to be completed at a later time. Assessments are editable after completion to accommodate additional information such as specific feedback notes.

          Customization & Innovation

          Users may create custom assessment instruments for their libraries and offer their customized assessment instruments for  purchase through the Metrics Medicus royalty program.

          Contact us for more information 

          Infinite Possibilities